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You will be emailed six links, each for a one hour recorded Pilates Class taught by Sarah Claridge, Chartered Physiotherapist and APPI Certified Pilates Instructor. There are modifications availble for harder or easier levels. These have all been recorded from the beginning of lockdown 2020 to date. You can watch and do them multiple times. I ask that you please do not share the links, many thanks.


As with all forms of exercise there exists the possibility of certain dangers when exercising. They include abnormal blood pressure, fainting, irregular fast or slow heart rhythm and in rare instances heart attack, stroke or death.  if you develop any pain greater than a 6/10 pain scale stop.


By purchasing these you argree & acknowledge that it is important for you to exercise at your own rate and within your own level of comfort and ability. You also agree that if at any time you are unsure of the exercise or experience any discomfort/pain, you will stop the exercise completely and contact Sarah Claridge via email with any concerns or contact 111 if you experience any more serious symptoms. Sarah Claridge at Meadow Physio & Pilates will not take responsibility for any symptoms caused outside of this advice.

Six Hours of recorded Pilates Classes

SKU: 2.84E+14
  • 50% refund available if you are not satified. 

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Privacy Policy: Meadow Physio & Pilates protects any information you provide when using the website. Your details are only used by me for the purpose of responding to your enquires and providing you with details about the services on offer. They will not be passed onto any other third party. All information is stored securely. 

Email :

Tel. 07736319894

The Stables

Valley Farm, Valley Lane,

Markyate, Herts,

AL3 8AT.

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